Vishwa Yoga | All posts by yogivishwa

Vishwa Yoga

Authentic Tantric Perspective - Ancient teachings for the modern life

What is Meditation?

In Sanskrit, Meditation is referred as Dhyana, it is a practice of dissolving the mind. It can be also defined as a process of purifying the mind, making it one-pointed, inward and tranquil. It is a state of consciousness that brings - serenity, clarity, and bliss of transcendence. The main purpose of doing all the physical practices of Yoga is to bring your body into a state so that it can easily sit for meditation. The practice of - asana prepares our body, pranayama prepares our mind, meditation prepares our mind to transcend, and get in touch with pure consciousness or bliss. In the simplest word, through the process of meditation, we give deep rest to the mind. [More]

How to deal with people?

We meet a different kind of people in our daily life; some are friends, family members or acquaintances. We experience that each of them behaves or act differently. Sometime some of them may act in such a way that in few moments we simply lose peace of our mind or we do not know how to handle them appropriately so that our peace of mind stays intact. Here is a way to first determine the type of a person and then utilizing the right key for our own peace. [More]

What are Bandhas?

In Sanskrit Bandha means to lock, to hold, or to tighten. It also refers to a lock in and of itself.There are 3 principle bandhas in the body, and a fourth that ties them all together. The ancient yogi philosophers said, that when you master the locks, your master the yoga practice, the practice on the outside -- floating in and out of asanas, holding for long periods of time, and managing new positions – and the practice on the inside – consistent single pointed concentration, steady and long breath, and a calm, clear mind.  And in a straight-up modern, western sense, the bandhas help you regulate and control all your internal systems, hormonal, sexual, metabolic, digestive, and more. [More]

What are Shat Kriyas?

As per Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Kriyas are cleaning techniques. It is used to purify the body and mind. Thus, it opens the pathways of body, the nadis (energy channels) of energetic body and mind. So, these are yogic kriyas to clean various internal organs of the body. [More]

Simple Mudras for Good Health

Mudra is a gesture or position , usually of the hands used in Yoga, that locks and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching the fingers and hands, we can talk to the body and mind as each area of the hand reflexes to a certain part of the mind or body. Here are simple Mudras to provide good health. Each one focuses on specific part of the body. [More]

Always Remember

It takes a minute to have a crush on someone and it takes an hour to like someone and a day to love some one but it takes lifetime to forget some one. [More]

Sacred Books of India

Ever wondered about all the sacred books of India. As how they are organized or linked together? These books cover every aspect of life – philosophy, religion, spiritual and yogic practices, social, fields of law, medicine, architecture, art, music and sexuality etc. It is impossible to name all the texts, but here are some important ones. [More]

Wait for your turn…

Once there was a small kid on earth. One fine day she came to know that god is distributing apples to humans in his place at heaven. The kid was so happy to receive that news and she went with lot of enjoyment to heaven to get the apple from god. There was a big queue standing to get apple from god and this kid also joined in that queue. [More]

Dancing with God

When I meditated on the word Guidance, I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God’s will is a lot like dancing.

When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn’t flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.

When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. [More]

The most important relationship

One day not too long ago the employees of a large company in St. Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said: "Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym." [More]