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17 May 2017
Have you ever wondered about the Vedic and the Tantric tradition? If they have same root? Any similarity or differences, what are they trying to achieve, how they come in existence etc.? If you do, then maybe you will like reading this.
2 March 2017
There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding about the word Tantra. The moment you hear this word in the West, you may immediately think about tantric sex, and if you hear this word in the East especially in India, you may immediately think about black magic. So what is the truth? Let’s understand step by step.
26 January 2017
As a human, we evolve every moment with each experience in this world. These experiences can be described of two kinds- outward and inward. Depending on how the energy (shakti) moves, the state of awareness changes.
24 October 2016
Have you ever wondered what is Tantric Sex? You will find tons of books on it, let’s keep it simple for understanding without going into too many details.
24 July 2016
Yoga is the practical application of the Tantra. Tantric practice without Yoga is not Tantra. In Tantra, there are several types of Yoga seemly weaved together in a practice with many tools and techniques, thus called Tantric Yoga. Some of the commonly practiced Yoga in Tantric Yoga is following
11 November 2015
No matter which path of tantra one practices, which school of Tantric one belongs to, there are some common aspects of Tantra, which applies to any tantric practitioner. Following are three major pillars of tantra.
23 July 2015
In my previous post I discussed about the Schools of Tantra. This post will further dive into the two major paths of Kaula School of Tantra. As most tantra practitioner start their practice in Kaula School, as this is the preliminary stage in which a teacher first initiates a student. Since it is easier to identify our body and relate with external objects thus Kaula practices are suitable for the beginners.
10 February 2014
As time passed the tantrics developed so many techniques that it became almost impossible to study and teach. So, they categorized them in a progressive order as a journey of a student from gross to subtle, from the external to the internal realm. Using this simple reason, they divided into three distinct schools of thought, one school uses external objects, while other one purely uses internal meditative practices, and third employs both. Following are the main schools of tantra.
25 August 2013
Let’s understand the words - Agama, Nigama and Tantra. These words can be little confusing sometime as they are interrelated but with slight difference.
3 November 2012
You may come across different kind of people, happy, compulsive and lazy. Ever wonder what makes their behavior. The same changing behavior we can see in our self, it may be changing from one to another on a given day. Let’s understand this tendency or nature. These tendencies are called gunas, and born out of Prakriti. In other words, changing tendencies of Prakriti or our Outer Reality is called Gunas. It is important to stress this fact that Guna is the tendency not an action in itself. As a guna takes a predominates the corresponding characteristic is observed.
5 May 2012
In Sanskrit, Meditation is referred as Dhyana, it is a practice of dissolving the mind. It can be also defined as a process of purifying the mind, making it one-pointed, inward and tranquil. It is a state of consciousness that brings - serenity, clarity, and bliss of transcendence. The main purpose of doing all the physical practices of Yoga is to bring your body into a state so that it can easily sit for meditation. The practice of - asana prepares our body, pranayama prepares our mind, meditation prepares our mind to transcend, and get in touch with pure consciousness or bliss. In the simplest word, through the process of meditation, we give deep rest to the mind.
9 September 2010
Ever wondered about all the sacred books of India. As how they are organized or linked together? These books cover every aspect of life – philosophy, religion, spiritual and yogic practices, social, fields of law, medicine, architecture, art, music and sexuality etc. It is impossible to name all the texts, but here are some important ones.
20 July 2007
What is Hatha Yoga? What is do you do in Hatha Yoga Class? What are the major components of Hatha Yoga?
15 January 2007
In this post, I would like to summarize the historical development of Yoga, Tantra, and Vedanta in progressive order from ancient time until now. The duration mentioned in the respective periods are approximate and for easier understanding.
15 November 2006
Have you ever got curious to know that who was the first Yoga/Tantra Teacher, and the student?
12 October 2006
What is Tantra? What does it really means - literally, philosophically and practically? What are the major Tantric traditions? What is the scope of Tantra? What is the relationship of Tantra with Yoga. Let’s understand the basics of Tantra.
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