Hatha Yoga - Earth Practice
In this practice, we will focus on our body. Our body is the vehicle through which we experience the world, interact with others. A healthy body is the foundation for the Yoga Practice. Therefore, must take care of our body. Just as earth requires attention and care to thrive, our body requires attention and care to maintain optimal health and well-being.
So, you will understand and apply the fundamental practices of Hatha Yoga focusing on the body. It will primarily cover three main components.
- Purification using practices of Shat-Karmas/Kriyas and Asanas,
- Strengthening primarily using Asanas practice and
- Cultivating and nurturing using Ayurvedic principles for daily living
As per Hatha Yoga, purification of the body is the first and most important step before starting any yoga practice. It is like cleaning your house before starting to use it for living.
In the second step, it is important to know how to gradually prepare and strengthen our body through Asana practice, to progress further on this path.
And, in the third step of this workshop, you will get to know how to use basic Ayurvedic Principles to apply in daily life and your individual practice which suits you as per your body constitution.
We are born unique, no one practice is suitable for ALL. Based on our situation and where we are in our life, we must choose the practice which suits our needs.
Theory(Lecture)/Practice Ratio: 30/70
Required Props: Yoga Mat
Optional Props: Notebook and Pen, Yoga Blocks and strap (if you need it)
About Vishwa Yoga

Email: vishwayoga@hotmail.com WhatsApp: +1 678-310-9580
Experienced Yoga Teacher (E-RYT)
Advanced Tantra Educator (ACTE)
Continuing Education Provider (YACEP)

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