Vishwa Yoga | All posts tagged 'Asana'

Vishwa Yoga

Authentic Tantric Perspective - Ancient teachings for the modern life

Yoga - Your Past, Present and Future

What does it mean to say that yoga is your past, present and future? Yogic wisdom teaches that practicing “Asana” primarily affects your relationship to your past, “Pranayama” affects your relationship to the present and “Dhyana or Meditation” primarily affects your relationship to your future. How? Let’s dive in… [More]

Cosmic dance of Shiva

Nataraj Asana is called the representation of cosmic dance of Shiva. So who is Nataraja and what it means? In Sanskrit, Nata means Dance and Raja means King. So Nataraja literally means the King of Dancers. Shiva is represented in the form of Nataraj dancing over a demon or dwarf (representing ignorance). So Shiva or Nataraj dances on the demon Apasmara, which represents his victory over ignorance. It also represents the passage of spirit from the divine into material. [More]

Styles of Yoga

There are many different school of Yoga, and each of them came up with their own style to differentiate and focus according to their philosophy. In my understanding, each Yoga School took the same basic postures and modified them to fit to their style. For example some schools perform yoga slow paced with gentle flow, some will move from one posture to another forcefully and some even use heat as a tool. If we search the web we can come across more than 40 styles of Yoga, however mainly 4 styles are commonly popular and adopted by most of the yoga practitioner. Following are the major (popularly known) styles of Yoga. [More]

Surya Namaskara - Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar, or the Sun Salutation is composed of a series of twelve yoga postures performed in sequence. Last four yoga postures are basically repetition of first four yoga asanas in reverse order. Please keep in mind that there are dozen of different variations of Sun Salutations. Each tradition have slightly modified the basic Sun Salutation sequence. This is one of the traditional sun salutation sequence. Surya Namaskar was not a formal part of traditional Hatha Yoga, but it has so much value that it has been now accepted as a part of Hatha Yoga. It is generally now used as a warm-up exercise before the asana practice. If there is a shortage of time, just Surya Namaskar practice provides substantial benefit. [More]