Vishwa Yoga | All posts tagged 'Dhyana'

Vishwa Yoga

Authentic Tantric Perspective - Ancient teachings for the modern life

Yoga - Your Past, Present and Future

What does it mean to say that yoga is your past, present and future? Yogic wisdom teaches that practicing “Asana” primarily affects your relationship to your past, “Pranayama” affects your relationship to the present and “Dhyana or Meditation” primarily affects your relationship to your future. How? Let’s dive in… [More]

Different states of Mind

Mind is the product of thoughts which are difficult to restrain for they are subtle and fickle. A thought which is well guarded by a controlled mind brings happiness. In order to understand the mind, we need to understand how it works. [More]

What is Meditation?

In Sanskrit, Meditation is referred as Dhyana, it is a practice of dissolving the mind. It can be also defined as a process of purifying the mind, making it one-pointed, inward and tranquil. It is a state of consciousness that brings - serenity, clarity, and bliss of transcendence. The main purpose of doing all the physical practices of Yoga is to bring your body into a state so that it can easily sit for meditation. The practice of - asana prepares our body, pranayama prepares our mind, meditation prepares our mind to transcend, and get in touch with pure consciousness or bliss. In the simplest word, through the process of meditation, we give deep rest to the mind. [More]